Thursday, November 28, 2019

Assimilation and Accommodation Essay Essay Example

Assimilation and Accommodation Essay Essay Example Assimilation and Accommodation Essay Essay Assimilation and Accommodation Essay Essay Assimilation and Adjustment Jean Piaget viewed rational growing as a procedure of version ( accommodation ) to the universe. This happens through: * Assimilation. which is utilizing an bing scheme to cover with a new object or state of affairs. * Accommodation – this happens when the bing scheme ( cognition ) does non work. and needs to be changed to cover with a new object or state of affairs. * Equilibration – occurs when a child’s scheme can cover with most new information through assimilation. However. a province of disequilibrium occurs when new information can non be fitted into bing scheme ( assimilation ) . Equilibration is the force which drives the larning procedure as we do non wish to be frustrated and will seek to reconstruct balance by get the hanging the new challenge. ( adjustment ) . Once the new information is acquired the procedure of assimilation with the new scheme will go on until the following clip we need to do an accommodation to it. Example A 2 twelvemonth old kid sees a adult male who is bald on top of his caput and has long crisp hair on the sides. The kid will absorb the adult male as a buffoon. This is assimilation. And when the male parent explain to his boy that the adult male was non a buffoon and that even though his hair was like a clown’s. he wasn’t have oning amusing costume and wasn’t making thing to do people laugh. This is adjustment. And with this new cognition. the male child is able to alter his scheme of â€Å"clown† and do this thought fit better to a standard construct of â€Å"clown. † Harmonizing to Piaget. instruction can back up these development procedures by phases of Development. A child’s cognitive development is about a child development or building a mental theoretical account of the universe. Jean Piaget was interested both in how kids learnt and in how they thought. Piaget studied kids from babyhood to adolescence. and carried out many of his ain probes utilizing his three kids. He used the undermentioned research methods: Naturalistic observation: Piaget made elaborate observations of kids. and from these he wrote diary descriptions charting their development. He besides made Clinical interviews and observations of older kids who were able to understand inquiries and hold conversations. Piaget believed that kids think otherwise than grownups and stated they go through 4 cosmopolitan phases of cognitive development. * Sensorio-motora: desde EL nacimiento hasta los 2 anos aproximadamente. En esta etapa Se caracteriza Al nino como extremadamente egocentrico. donde no comprende el mundo de otra forma que no sea su propio punto de vista. El desarrollo chief nut esta etapa Es el entendimiento de que los objetos existen independientemente de su relacion con EL objeto ( permanencia del objeto ) . es decir que EL nino es capaz de mantener una imagen mental de una character u objeto a pesar de no estar presente O seeable. En esta etapa los bebes aprenden principalmente a traves del ensayo Y mistake. El objetivo de Piaget epoch investigar a que edad los ninos adquirian esta â€Å"permanencia del objeto† . El metodo que uso fue esconder un juguete debajo de una sabana Y ver Si EL nino buscaba EL objeto escondido. Esta busqueda del objeto epoch una prueba de la permanencia del objeto. Piaget supuso que EL nino solo podia buscar EL objeto escondido si tiene una representacion mental de el. * Etapa Pre-operacional: desde los 2 a 7 anos aproximadamente. En esta etapa los ninos desarrollan gradualmente el uso del lenguaje Y La capacidad parity pensar en forma simbolica. Sus pensamientos nut esta etapa suelen ser egocentricos. Egocentrismo hace referencia La incapacidad del nino de ver una situacion desde otro punto de vista que no sea el de el mismo. Segun Piaget. un nino egocentrico supone que Las personas ven. escuchan o sienten lo mismo que el. Piaget quiso descubrir a que edad los ninos dejan de tener esta actitud. * Operaciones Concretas: desde los 7 a 11 anos aproximadamente. En esta etapa EL nino Es lo suficientemente maduro parity pensar logicamente en operaciones unidireccionales. Pero pueden aplicar La logica solo con objetos fisicos. Los ninos Se vuelven menos egocentricos Y entienden las leyes de conservacion. esto significa que comprenden que aunque la apariencia de un objeto cambie. no significa que cambie el objeto en si . * Operaciones Formales: desde los 11 anos hasta La adultez. Cuando los adolescentes entran en esta etapa adquieren la capacidad de pensar de manera abstracta. de combinar clasificar los elementos de una manera mas sofisticada. y la capacidad de razonamiento de orden higher-up. Ademas desarrollan una identidad Y Se muestran mas interesados en temas sociales.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Elementary Schools

In the book The Battle for History, John Keegan, talks of the many different views on World War II. He takes into account other historical works such as Robert M. Kennedy’s The German Campaign in Poland, Christopher Duffy’s Red Storm on the Reich, The Struggle for Europe by Chester Wilmot and many others. He has already analyzed these other works. He has summarized the authors’ major points and used them to support his own theory, although Keegan’s theory about the written history of the war is quite unclear. The only theory that I could derive, is that â€Å"[it] has not yet been written.† (30) What does he mean by this? The works cited in the back of the book number over one hundred fifty. Numerous references are made to the works of other authors. Keegan does not seem to tell anything from his perspective, but state what he has read. All good and well considering this is history, but are the past events so clearly set in stone? Keegan seems to br ing up questions throughout the book such as: did Roosevelt know of the attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened? â€Å"There have also been explorations of the allegation that Roosevelt had foreknowledge but chose not to act on it, as a means of bringing the United States into the Second World War on the anti-Axis side.† (17) Keegan does not do much to answer these questions, simply brings them into the picture. The book gives no feel of ending or resolution to most of the questions he brings about. Maybe this was his purpose. Topics in the book up from one place to another. In one paragraph Keegan may be discussing the use of the Enigma, a commercial cipher machine; in the next Keegan might begin discussing the use of U-boats. Although there is some logical flow through the book, for the most part the subjects are jumpy, causing the work to be choppy and cluttered babbling. It seems like the author is trying to squeeze as much as he can into as few pages as possible. Keega n does, how... Free Essays on Elementary Schools Free Essays on Elementary Schools In the book The Battle for History, John Keegan, talks of the many different views on World War II. He takes into account other historical works such as Robert M. Kennedy’s The German Campaign in Poland, Christopher Duffy’s Red Storm on the Reich, The Struggle for Europe by Chester Wilmot and many others. He has already analyzed these other works. He has summarized the authors’ major points and used them to support his own theory, although Keegan’s theory about the written history of the war is quite unclear. The only theory that I could derive, is that â€Å"[it] has not yet been written.† (30) What does he mean by this? The works cited in the back of the book number over one hundred fifty. Numerous references are made to the works of other authors. Keegan does not seem to tell anything from his perspective, but state what he has read. All good and well considering this is history, but are the past events so clearly set in stone? Keegan seems to br ing up questions throughout the book such as: did Roosevelt know of the attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened? â€Å"There have also been explorations of the allegation that Roosevelt had foreknowledge but chose not to act on it, as a means of bringing the United States into the Second World War on the anti-Axis side.† (17) Keegan does not do much to answer these questions, simply brings them into the picture. The book gives no feel of ending or resolution to most of the questions he brings about. Maybe this was his purpose. Topics in the book up from one place to another. In one paragraph Keegan may be discussing the use of the Enigma, a commercial cipher machine; in the next Keegan might begin discussing the use of U-boats. Although there is some logical flow through the book, for the most part the subjects are jumpy, causing the work to be choppy and cluttered babbling. It seems like the author is trying to squeeze as much as he can into as few pages as possible. Keega n does, how...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Church And State In British Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Church And State In British Society - Essay Example He expressed his concern, however, that secularists and atheists would capitalize on attempts to separate church and state by saying religion was in an increasingly precarious position in British life (Church and state could separate in the UK, says Archbishop of Canterbury 2008). Religion and belief in God are facing a tough time at present in many countries. Atheists are growing in numbers and they argue for the separation of religion and politics. Secularists and atheists can attack the religion in the absence of political protection according to the archbishop. Soper & Fetzer (n. d) have mentioned that religion, which was at the center of political conflict in Europe a century ago, became less important politically in the middle decades of the twentieth century (Soper & Fetzer n. d, p.3). it is a fact that the influence of religion on politics becoming feeble at present. The massacres committed by some communal groups on behalf of religion have opened the eyes of British communit y to think in terms of the dangers associated with the blending of religion and politics. 9/11 and the recent Mumbai terrorist attacks clearly indicate how dangerous if religion interferes with the politics. In short, the British politics is historically associated with religion and the influence of religion on politics is coming down for the time being. Even the religious leaders found no harm in separating religion and politics even though they have certain concerns about the how the secularists and atheists utilize it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Car Wash Full Service in Kapolei Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Car Wash Full Service in Kapolei - Essay Example Advantages C corporations have low risks since the government is responsible for its audits and tax returns The owners (shareholders) have limited liabilities to the business debts C Corporation benefits from writing-off of debts and business expenses C corporations are able to raise high capitals through sale of shares to different investors The majority shareholders or business owners benefit from a variety of stocks sold by the corporation Disadvantages Slow decision making since all shareholders must be consulted when making a major business decision through the annual general meeting Business owners are not directly involved in running the business Not easy to start since, the corporation needs to comply with strict legal requirements from the government S Corporation S corporation is considered a regular corporation with less than 100 business owners (shareholders). The corporation passes its net income and losses to the shareholders as stipulated under the Internal Revenue Cod e, Chapter 1 (Ogus, 1994). Advantages Shareholders have limited liabilities to the company’s debts. Thus, shareholder’s assets cannot be sold to pay the corporation’s debts in case of bankruptcy. S corporations are exempted from paying federal taxes since losses and profits are passed through shareholders tax reports Shareholders can become employees of the corporation and earn tax-free salaries The credibility associated with the business makes it possible for the business to attract high calibre employees and customers Disadvantages Formation is expensive and time consuming due to the legal and taxation formalities that the business is expected to comply with before been... It is stated in the essay that when starting a new business, it is necessary to make objective decisions concerning the structure of the proposed business. Most business owners consider the significance of financial decision over other factors that affect the business. Although credible financial decision determines the sustainability of the business, a business owner need to consider other factors that would affect the business in the long-term. The form of business ownership, that was a main focus of the essay and is a significant decision that investors ought to make before settling into their business. Sole proprietorship, partnership, C Corporation and S corporation are the basic forms of business ownership. After considering the different forms of business ownership, the researcher settled for a partnership as the most appropriate form of bushiness. The choice for partnership was determined by the pros and cons of other forms of business ownership and available finances. The re searcher also made his choice based on cost benefit analysis of running the business as a corporation or a sole proprietorship. Forming a partnership eliminated the aspect of competition that would arise if each partner decided to set his own business. This factor would give the team an opportunity to concentrate on their services and customers. The team eventually ruled out both the S and C corporations due to the rigorous legal requirements and large starting capital required for the business analyzed.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Identity-Feminist Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Identity-Feminist - Term Paper Example Usually, the fear of unknown if women replaced men in the works they did, somehow brings about a difference between genders. Women empowerment is a great weapon from women to become independent from the oppression they have been from men (Kimmel, Amy & Kaler 2). With the mushrooming up of many gender activists and governments support, women became to get empowered and achieved their dreams. In a society that is gender based, fighting for the rights of women to be equal to that of men is really a hard task, but something still has be done. Therefore, any person who supports the rights of women in the society is usually a feminist. In this present generation, with much confusion originating from the aspect gender, still there is need for the minority and the oppressed gender to be given their rightful place in the society. It is high time women came up and proved themselves, but in order to reach there, much fighting for their rights have to be done. Recent researches have shown that t here exist little difference between man and woman and hence there is no need for gender inequality to exist. Today, gender being a very sensitive issue due to occurrence of gender based violence in most countries; careful attention has to be accorded to the empowerment of women (Kimmel, Amy & Kaler, 2). Gender on the other hand is defined as the relations between women and men, and can be both material and perpetual. In the past, people used to confuse gender as a tern that used to refer to women and men based on their sexual characteristics, but Holler and Miller try to give it another perspective from which to view gender. Emphasis is usually made on gender not to be determined biologically due to sexual characteristics of women and men like in the old times, but nowadays constructed from the social perspective. Society being the place where gender lays means it plays a key role in influencing gender. These two authors tried very much to show the relationship between gender and t he society and how the two are linked too. Gender is regarded as a vital organizing principle of societies and sometimes governs the process of reproduction and production, distribution and also consumption. Despite this definition, most people associate gender with women. This is not the case since gender addresses issues dealing with women, relationships between women and men, their roles, control and access of resources, labour division, needs and interests. Living in such times where the true meaning is not understood by many, much efforts will be needed in case of fighting for women rights. In a country constantly being struck by news concerning gender based violence, denotes the need to be more careful and sensitive while dealing with issues regarding women empowerment (Holler & Kimmel 24). From an analytical angle, Holler and Kimmel tried to not to be biased while speaking about gender like many people do. By introducing the feminist theory in their writing, proved to be femi nists. These authors are more concerned about changing the past notion in which gender was viewed and try to replace it with their current concept. It seems that these two authors were after changing people’s minds on how they handle the aspect of gender in the society plus add more concerning gender inequality (Kimmel, Amy & Kaler 20). There has always been an issue of gender inequality in many societies over the past decades. Gender inequality denotes the disparity between people because of gender. Gender systems are

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Impact of the Industrial Revolution Can you imagine life without these machines? Introduction At the dawn of the 18th century, technological and scientific advancements led to England being one of the most powerful and successful maritime power in the world. Foreign trade had scaled new heights and the demand for manufactured goods had increased. As a result of the use of machinery for agriculture, there was not much work in the rural areas. People migrated to towns looking for opportunities for work. Manufacturers attempted to find ways to increase production to meet the new demands. All these factors, among others, led to what was later termed as ‘The Industrial Revolution’ by historian Arnold Tonybee. Onset of the Industrial Revolution Life before the Industrial Revolution was tough. For centuries, man had relied on animals and himself, to do all the work and make objects of daily use. With new technological advancements, man started to rely on technology to perform similar tasks – quickly and efficiently. This change from an agrarian economy where hand tools were used, to one, where machines such as the seed drill, steam engine, etc. were invented, factories were established, resulting in complete change in the life of the people is termed as the Industrial Revolution. Features of the Industrial Revolution One of the most important features of the Industrial Revolution was the various inventions made during the time that went on to change the course of history forever. Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin helped separate the cotton from its seed approximately fifty times faster than before. Jethro Hull, a farmer, invented a seed drill which planted grains very efficiently. Increase in the production of raw material meant that there was loads of raw material to be processed, especially in the case of textiles such as cotton. A weaver named James Hargreaves gave the much needed breakthrough by inventing the spinning jenny, a machine that spun many threads at once, though they were thick. Richard Awkright, invented the spinning frame, also known as the water frame. It spun thicker thread into thinner and stronger ones. It was Samuel Crompton’s spinning mule that made the large scale production of yarn possible. Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom that further incr eased the production of cloth and reduced labour costs as well. Inventions of machines led to the formation of factories for production of cloth. Mass production of cotton and cotton fabrics led to a great reduction in the prices. These inventions changed the socio-economic structure of England as weavers and workers were able to earn good wages and lead a better life.  Ã‚   Although the cotton mills marked the beginning of the Industrial revolution, it is the invention of James Watt’s steam engine that powered and continued it. The steam engine used the force of steam to power engines. Invention of this machine brought about many changes in England. Factory owners realised that they could now build factories where people lived and need not construct them it near a water source, as they did earlier. It was Abraham Darby’s ability to cast iron in a coke-fueled furnace that enabled inventors like Thomas Newcomen to have his steam engines cast by Darby[3]. Henry Bessemer’s invention of the Bessemer Converter enabled inexpensive manufacture of steel abundantly. The transportation system was completely overhauled when steam powered trains and other locomotives were built. The transformation of roads and railways made travel and shipping of goods fairly comfortable and cheap. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] The invention of the steam engine, usage on iron and steel in ships was useful in manufacturing ships that were much faster. Ships started voyaging through oceans which in turn increased trade even further. This period of intense industrialisation witnessed a major change in architecture and infrastructure. New towns came up that boasted of town halls, libraries, gardens, concert halls, etc. [9] Another important feature of the Industrial Revolution was the change in the socio-economic life of the people. As factories were set up and towns formed, people moved to towns in search of employment which made urbanization, a common feature of the Industrial Revolution. Historians are of the opinion that although some women stayed at home to look after the children, many worked in factories with their husbands. Sometimes, children were made to work in factories as well. In general, the Industrial Revolution improved the standard of living of the people as they were able to afford the basic necessities of life and could indulge in leisure activities during their free time. People read books, went on vacation, enjoyed concerts or spent days on the beach, educated themselves, etc. to pass their time. People started to take an active part in politics as well. [10] Why did the Industrial Revolution originate in England? Having read about the different features of the Industrial Revolution, it now becomes imperative to read about certain conditions that came together to set the scene for its inception. Colonies like India were a good source of raw material such as cotton for their factories in England. The colonies were good markets too as they sold their manufactured goods there. Being a supreme maritime power with one of the largest ships in the world, it was easy for England to transport the raw material and the finished products. A stable government at the centre, with few restrictions on the economy, helped the industry and commerce to thrive. Laws made by the government favoured the companies that set up factories and businesses. Natural resources such as coal and iron were available in abundance to be used in factories. Streams and rivers in England were used to generate power and served as a medium of transportation of goods and raw materials. England, to begin with, was a prosperous country and people had extra money to spend on other things besides the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter.[11] Impact of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution became the most noteworthy ensemble of social, cultural and economic change that affected human history. Let us discuss some of them. There was a tremendous increase in population during the Industrial Revolution as the standard of living improved and fewer people died due to diseases. The Industrial Revolution led to capitalism, that is, the business was owned privately and operated primarily for profit. The industrial revolution divided the society into different classes the factory owners who owned the factory and the workers who worked for him. The owners of the factories exploited the workers to maximise their profit. New cities and towns came up as the factory owners established factories closer to where they lived. People who worked in factories had to leave their houses and shift to these places, often with their families. The Industrial Revolution completely changed the lives of the workers. From being a craftsperson who worked using hand tools, he was merely reduced to a machine operator. Weavers and other craftsmen who tried to make a living by making goods at home found it difficult to sell their products as their hand-made goods were more expensive than the machine-made ones. The Industrial Revolution gave rise to imperialism. England was faced with two problems during the Industrial revolution – Procuring of cheap raw materials and a market for their manufactured goods. They solved these problems by gaining political and economic control over weaker countries. [12] Though the Industrial Revolution began in England, it gradually spread to the other countries of the world as well. Imperialism Industrialisation stirred the aspirations of England. They wanted to maximise the profit of their industries. England wanted resources to fuel their production as well as a market to sell their goods. Weaker countries such as India were the perfect target. This policy of England to acquire political, economic and social control over a weaker country is known as imperialism. Imperialism was one of the worst impacts of industrialisation. England sourced the raw materials of their products from these countries and sold the manufactured products in these countries itself at exorbitant prices. Imperialism involves the use of power, military or otherwise to exercise control over the weaker country. [13] Imperialism destroyed the culture and the local industries of the colonies. Inexpensive foreign goods destroyed the markets of local indigenous products. No effort was made to modernize the colonies. Agriculture was also affected as the imperialists allowed the colonies to grow those crops that were beneficial to them, whether or not it was conducive to the locals. We shall study about the British policies and plans in India later in the book. Peep into the Past Iron Bridge The World’s first Iron Bridge built on River Severnin England is one of the most famous industrial monuments in Britain. Shropshire, the area in which it was built was famous for its coal deposits. The steep Severn gorge posed a problem for transportation of people and goods. Architect Thomas Pritchard suggested ironmaster John Wilenson make the iron bridge. Though Wilkenson started the project in 1777, the iron bridge was completed by Abraham Darby in 1779. It was opened to the public on January 1, 1781. The bridge was used for over 150 years before it was shut down for vehicles in 1934. The Iron Bridge was designated as an ancient monument. It is now a World Heritage Site. [1] [2] World Socities – Mckay Hill – pg – 747, 748, 749 [3] [4] HOLT, Human Legacy, Page 634, 635, 636, 637 [5] World Socities – Mckay Hill – pg – 750-751-752 [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] HOLT, Human Legacy, page – 649, 650, 651, and [11] HOLT, Human Legacy, pages – 633, 634, 635 [12] [13]

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Frank Sinatra Essay -- essays research papers

My speech today is on not just a man, but a man who owns tens of millions of recordings, nine Grammy’s and two Academy Awards, some 60 films, worldwide tours, television specials, and hundreds of millions of dollars raised for charities. In sheer productivity, few popular artists could touch the hem of his tuxedo jacket. In pure, smoldering style, he was unexcelled. His rueful, macho star power ensured that the music and lyrics of the swing era would resonate throughout the later years of the 20th Century - despite a near-endless string of horror stories about his vulgarity, hot temper and alleged ties to organized crime. Frank Sinatra was alluring and powerful not despite his contradictions, but because of them. He was bigger than life, but human as the next guy, and keenly aware of his public persona's many sides. And yet he knew, deep down, that the music - The Voice - was clear enough, powerful enough and passionate enough to eclipse the public's darkest doubts about Sinat ra the man. Francis Albert Sinatra was born Dec. 12, 1915, the only child of working-class Italian-American immigrants, in a tenement at 415 Monroe St. in Hoboken, New Jersey. His father, Anthony, was a boxer-turned-fireman; his mother, Natalie "Dolly" Sinatra, was a former barmaid who often sang at family gatherings. Their home and their neighborhood rang with the sounds of the Italian bel canto style of singing, which Sinatra said inspired him to sing. In high school, he saw his hero, crooner Bing Crosby, perform live, an event that inspired him to become a solo vocalist. Between working various jobs at The Jersey Observer, Sinatra sang with a neighborhood vocal group, the Hoboken Four, and appeared in neighborhood theater amateur shows, where first prize was usually $10 or a set of dishes. His first professional gig was at the Rustic Cabin roadhouse in Englewood Cliffs (my Grandmother saw him perform there way back when), where Sinatra sang, told jokes and played the ro le of emcee when he wasn't waiting tables. He also continued his 4-year love affair with hometown sweetheart Nancy Barbato, who would later become his first wife and the mother of his three children – Nancy, Frank Jr., and Tina. Sinatra later hit it big with the Tommy Dorsey Band, performing with Dorsey until he decided to go solo. Wooing crowds of "booby-soxers," Sinatra garnered his nick... ...ollowed by Duets II. He granted his likeliness to ties, credit cards, Lipton Iced Tea, and spaghetti sauce. His marketing antics caused a rift between his wife, Barbara, and his children over who owned the rights to what Sinatra songs. At this time, as his health was fading, a renewed interest be people (like myself) who weren’t even born when he "retired" in the 1970’s, began to crave Sinatra. A flood of biographies, musical appreciation books and Sinatra-themed films and TV shows flooded popular culture, along with reissued Sinatra discs and vintage films of Sinatra and friends in concert. "Frank Sinatra was the 20th Century," said Bono, lead singer of the rock group U2, and a retro-swinger himself. "He was modern, he was complex, he had swing and attitude. He was the big bang of pop...the man invented pop music." "May you live to be a hundred, and the last voice you hear be mine," was the way Sinatra ended m ost of his concerts. Frank Sinatra died April 1998, at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. Even though the master is gone, his spirit will be with us always. Truly, he was a man who did it "his way."

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Scooter Sales in Vietnam

Hom kia ong th? y em g? i cho em 1 cai article kha hay v? th? tru? ng xe 2B VN kha hay, m? i cac bac xem. EM xin l? i vi no la ti? ng Anh nhung vi? t cung kha d? hi? u . Qua bai bao nay em gi? t minh khi bi? t con s? ban ra c? a xe AB hon 120K , kh? ng thi? t . Va cac bac th? ng? m Hon Da VN da moc tui bao nhieu ti? n c? a dan minh  [pic] Em xin phep VietNamNet Bridge – Two years ago the Vietnamese media was driven into a frenzy when Hollywood stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie came to visit Vietnam for the first time.The image of the couple in casual clothes riding a black Yamaha Nouvo scooter in downtown HCMC was widely seen in newspapers and magazines. Scooter riders seen in downtown HCMC. Vietnamese consumers have an increasing preference for scooters. This actually gave free publicity to Yamaha. Sales of the Yamha Nouvo scooter have rocketed in Vietnam as this scooter has become a fashion for not only women but also men. Yamaha's good business has led to other motorcycl e makers to enter the market or boost scooter production to capitalize on the growing demand. The race startsItaly's Piaggio, the world's fourth largest scooter and motorcycle manufacturer, started construction of its first factory in Vietnam. Honda and Yamaha from Japan will open their second Vietnam factories soon. Honda Vietnam, the largest motorcycle manufacturer in Vietnam, has shifted focus to scooters for men. It started a campaign to enter the market six months after the trip of Vietnam by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It launched the Air Blade scooter designed with a sporty fashion. As a favorite motorcycle brand, Honda caused an instant fever on the market after launching this scooter.When placing an order for an Air Blade at a Honda authorized exclusive dealer in HCMC, customers will get a shake of the head. The dealers are flooded with a lot of orders. A Honda dealer on Nguyen Trai Street in District 1 says it still has more than 600 orders to fulfill. But those really wishing to own an Air Blade scooter can go to plenty of private retailers in the city, but the price is usually VND8-10 million higher than Honda's list price. Despite the strong demand, the company says it is unable to scale up production as its factory in the northern province of Vinh Phuc is running at full capacity.As an adaptive measure, Honda has increased shifts to fulfill the mounting orders. Koji Onishi, general director of Honda Vietnam, says that by end-April this year,  more than 120,000 Air Blade units had been sold, becoming the best-seller of the scooter category on the local market. Not to miss the race, Yamaha introduced the new Yamaha Nouvo Elegance scooter that comes with an engine of 135cc in late April, which is higher than those of the previous scooter versions. With a list price of VND29. 2 million, including VAT, the new Nouvo scooter is going like hot cakes.Just around 10 days after the new Nouvo version came out, Honda announced the launch of two new Air Blade versi ons with a sportier and more fashionable design. They retail for VND28. 5 million (VAT included) and come with three colors – dark blue, white and red. In addition to the new Air Blade, a sporty Air Blade Repsol version with the color of Repsol Honda racing team in MotoGP World Championship has been introduced this time at VND29. 5 million. The market is so lucrative that another Japanese motorcycle maker, Suzuki Vietnam Corp. , has also forayed into the scooter market, with the launch of he Hayate priced between VND21. 8 million and VND22. 8 million. The 125cc Hayate has a sporty design and targets male motorcyclists and is expected to strongly compete with Honda's Air Blade and Yamaha's Nouvo. The Suzuki prices are lower VND7-8 million than the other two brands, so the Hayate has a competitive advantage in pricing. The competition in design Vietnam Manufacturing and Export Processing Co. (VMEP), Sanyang's motorbike maker in Vietnam, was the first to make scooters in Vietnam with the SYM brand. Taiwan's SYM is one of the successful stories.The company launched the Attila scooter in 1997, which has since gained increasing popularity among young people. SYM leaders say that the introduction of the Attila has paved the way for the company to gain a competitive edge over cheap Chinese motorcycles, which overwhelmed the local market in the late 1990s and early 2000s, as well as others. The Attila was then the best-selling locally assembled scooter model. Imported scooters like Dylan,@ and Spacy of Honda, Majesty of Yamaha, and Epicuro and Aventis of Suzuki are prohibitively expensive but the compact and fashionable design and moderate price have made the Attila more competitive.The Attila retails for about VND30 million, around one- and two-thirds of imports. Buoyed by SYM's success, other foreign companies including Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda from Japan later jumped into the market. Experts formerly showed concern that SYM would find it hard to maintain its dom inance on the scooter market since more Japanese producers were aggressively increasing investment in scooter innovation and design to gain a slice of the pie. But brands like Honda Click, Yamaha Mio Classical and Suzuki Amity seem to be not the archrivals of the Attila which is particularly popular among urban females.SYM's Attila Elizabeth version has become a favorite among young women thanks to its fashionable, elegant and compact design. The demand for the Attila Elizabeth has outpaced SYM's supply, leading to its price outside the company' dealers increasing by VND2-3 million per unit. The good outlook The growth prospects of the market are good as young consumers in cities have an increasing preference for scooters. Many motorcycle assemblers have switched to scooter production to capitalize on this market trend and have been expanding production to meet local demand. Taiwan's biggest bike maker Kwang Yang Motor Co. Ltd. (KYMCO) is an example.It has become the majority owner of Hoa Lam Kymco Motors Corp. after acquiring a 60% stake from its local partner. Hoa Lam Automobile-Motorcycle Joint-Stock Co. transferred its 60% stake in this joint venture to the Taiwanese company, thus reducing its holding to 30% from the previous 40%. KYMCO's stake in the venture, meanwhile, is up to 90%. Nguyen Tien Sy, deputy general director of Hoa Lam Kymco Motors Corp. , says that the authorities have endorsed the stake transfer between the two partners. The acquisition, whose value is not disclosed, is part of the Taiwanese company's plan to deepen its investment in Vietnam.KYMCO will develop a new factory in HCMC's District 2 besides the joint venture factory that is mainly assembling motorcycles in Binh Chanh District. The new factory in Cat Lai Industrial Park will produce motorcycle parts for local sale and export to ASEAN markets, Sy says. KYMCO will move its production lines from a factory in Taiwan next month to the new factory, which will mainly manufacture scoot ers. KYMCO attributes its increased investment in Vietnam to the strong demand for motorcycles. This firm forecast the domestic scooter market will continue expanding in the next five to 10 years.KYMCO entered Vietnam in late 2004 by buying a 30% stake in the bike manufacturing plant, which was wholly owned by Vietnam's Hoa Lam Automobile-Motorcycle Joint-Stock Co. The value of the factory then was set at US$15 million. The brand name KYMCO, however, is not popular in Vietnam, but the Taiwanese company has reaped success elsewhere, exporting products to 81 countries worldwide, including Europe. KYMCO has set up nine motorcycle factories in Asia. The two market leaders, Honda and Yamaha, also started work on their second factories in northern Vietnam last year. Honda's new factory worth US$65million will mainly produce scooters.The plant, which is located next to the first one in Vinh Phuc Province, is part of Honda's expansion plan after its success over the past 13 years. The new 2 8-hectare plant is scheduled for mass production in the third quarter of this year, with initial annual production capacity of 500,000 units, says Koji Onishi, general director of Honda Vietnam. Together with the existing plant's annual capacity of one million units, this plant will help meet the increasing demand of Vietnamese customers, he says, adding state-of-the-art technology would be applied to ensure high quality. The most modern and latest technology of Honda will be applied to this new plant that may produce the perfect quality products for Vietnamese customers,† he says. â€Å"The income level is increasing and the infrastructure is developed. Thus, the demand for scooters becomes higher and higher. In addition, its easy operation and modern design can sharpen customers' personality. Thanks to the growth of the Vietnamese economy, we realize that young people especially in big cities prefer the scooters,† says Yasuhiro Imazato, director of Honda Vietnam brand in HCMC.Meanwhile, Piaggio, the world's fourth largest scooter and motorcycle manufacturer, is building its first factory in northern Vietnam. The company will spend US$45 million on the factory which covers eight hectares in Binh Xuyen Industrial Park in Vinh Phuc Province, and will be commissioned in mid-2009, with an initial annual output capacity of 50,000 units for local sale and export. The project is part of Piaggio's broader three-year plan to expand its operations in Asia by setting up shop in Vietnam and India, Piaggio chief executive Roberto Colaninno.He says the company's products are already available in Vietnam, but it still wants a factory plus a sales network in the country. Piaggio brand is generally targeted at high-end customers. The Italian firm has five local companies as distributors – Sapa Trade Co. , Xuan Cau Co. , Viet Nhat Motor Co. , Y Viet Motor Co and International Friendship Co. However, Piaggio's investment in Vietnam is still smaller than Japa nese and Taiwan motorbike producers. Taiwan's Sanyang Industry, which is known for SYM brand, looks to Vietnam as one of its major motorbike production hubs in Asia and its biggest investment markets.Under a motorcycle industry development plan recently approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam will become a major Asian center for motorcycle design and production. The plan envisages local motorcycle demand reaching 2-2. 2million units a year. By 2015, there will have been some 31 million motorcycles in use nationwide and some 33 million by 2020, compared to the current 20 million, according to the plan. An additional 1. 8 million motorbikes will hit the road a year. (Source: SGT)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Andro- The Prefix Thats All Man

Andro- The Prefix Thats All Man Andro- The Prefix Thats All Man Andro- The Prefix Thats All Man By Sharon Andro- derives from the Greek andros (man) and denotes anything thats male or masculine (and you thought that was testosterone 🙂 ) Its given us several words, many of them scientific or biological: andranatomy the dissection or structure of the male body androcentric regarding men as being primary or central androcephalic having a mans head upon an animals body androcracy political rule by men androcyte a male sex cell androgen a steroid/hormone that promotes the development male sexual organs and characteristics androgynous having both male and female characteristics; also applies in botany. Dont confuse this with androgenous, a biological term which means producing male offspring only android a robot that looks like a human andrology the study of diseases that affect men (sometimes called andriatry or andriatics) andromorphous having a mans shape androsterone a steroid hormone produced by men Find many more examples here. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund Phrases16 Misquoted QuotationsHyphenation in Compound Nouns

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Controversy Of 2008 Being, China Olympic Games

On July 13th 2001, China was chosen among several nations like Turkey, Japan, France and Canada to organize the Olympics. Whether or not China should have been granted this opportunity remains a sensitive issue for many. As for me, I totally agree with the selection of Beijing, China as the host city of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Many believe that China should not have been awarded the games based on alleged civil rights abuses on the part of the Chinese communist government towards its own dissidents. In this paper, I will talk about all the allegations put towards China as to why they should not have been awarded the games and explain why I believe that the decision to give Beijing the games was the right one. The allegations are well deserved. Due to communism, the preoccupation of the Chinese authorities is to maintain social stability in order to keep the power. Nowadays in China there is no freedom of association, no free speech and no press freedom. Journalists are not able to do their job freely because they could be prosecuted and jailed if their work is judged "against the Party". The most important repression of free speech concerns the Internet users. More than fifteen persons are in jail for having expressed themselves on the web and people continue to be arrested and charged with serious offences for using the Internet to spread information about human rights or other politically sensitive issues. From what I have found in my research, the human rights situation in China is particularly present in Tibet and in Xinjiang, areas that are located in west China. In 1950 this region was invaded by the Chinese forces. In 1959 Tibetan people tried to force the Chinese out but the army repressed this movement violently and the Dalaà ¯-Lama left Tibet. Since 1959, Tibetan people and particularly religious, Buddhist monks and nuns, have been victims of Chinese repression. At the end of 2000, hundreds of Buddhist monks and nun... Free Essays on Controversy Of 2008 Being, China Olympic Games Free Essays on Controversy Of 2008 Being, China Olympic Games On July 13th 2001, China was chosen among several nations like Turkey, Japan, France and Canada to organize the Olympics. Whether or not China should have been granted this opportunity remains a sensitive issue for many. As for me, I totally agree with the selection of Beijing, China as the host city of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Many believe that China should not have been awarded the games based on alleged civil rights abuses on the part of the Chinese communist government towards its own dissidents. In this paper, I will talk about all the allegations put towards China as to why they should not have been awarded the games and explain why I believe that the decision to give Beijing the games was the right one. The allegations are well deserved. Due to communism, the preoccupation of the Chinese authorities is to maintain social stability in order to keep the power. Nowadays in China there is no freedom of association, no free speech and no press freedom. Journalists are not able to do their job freely because they could be prosecuted and jailed if their work is judged "against the Party". The most important repression of free speech concerns the Internet users. More than fifteen persons are in jail for having expressed themselves on the web and people continue to be arrested and charged with serious offences for using the Internet to spread information about human rights or other politically sensitive issues. From what I have found in my research, the human rights situation in China is particularly present in Tibet and in Xinjiang, areas that are located in west China. In 1950 this region was invaded by the Chinese forces. In 1959 Tibetan people tried to force the Chinese out but the army repressed this movement violently and the Dalaà ¯-Lama left Tibet. Since 1959, Tibetan people and particularly religious, Buddhist monks and nuns, have been victims of Chinese repression. At the end of 2000, hundreds of Buddhist monks and nun...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

American foreign policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

American foreign policy - Essay Example Moreover, according to Lang (2003), it should be identified who would be allowed to perform the intervention, how humanitarian intervention should be established, and whether there are provisions under which consent to intervene becomes a responsibility. Humanitarian intervention is normally talked about as an exemption to the nonintervention rule. This rule points out that states are prohibited to use their power, and definitely to exercise force, within other states’ jurisdiction. The rule has received strong patronage from the United Nations Charter, which allows states to protect themselves from attacks but prohibits employing the military against the political autonomy or territorial sovereignty of other states (Lang 2003). Exactly speaking, these conditions ban armed intervention, as well as intervention to safeguard human rights. Generally, contemporary international law weakly supports humanitarian intervention. Nevertheless, there is a more traditional rule in which t he exercise of force is acceptable not just in self-preservation but also to defend the innocent and punish violations. This rule is somewhat in conflict with contemporary international law and particularly with the UN Charter (Lang 2003). ... The decision over humanitarian intervention is still complex and difficult. Today, the international community has inadequate alternatives for dealing with humanitarian issues. Prospects for Democracy Noam Chomsky leads the way by making public his assessment of the Prospects for Democracy. Starting with a general evaluation of political history and democratic theory, he claims that traditional democrats like Thomas Jefferson would be disappointed at the poor shape of American democracy today. The vast expansion of corporate capitalism has by now ruined democratic traditions and the state by giving power to a few (Chomsky & Otero 2003). And the prospect for democracy seems bleaker. Despite of this gloomy evaluation, Chomsky upholds that the revival of true democracy depends ultimately on the people or on whether they can get rid of their political dissatisfaction and put together a democratic prospect. The destiny of democracy is still changeable, Chomsky claims, but â€Å"unless pe ople here and in other rich societies can recapture and revitalize† (Chomsky & Otero 2003, 259) the misplaced institutions of democracy and liberty, â€Å"the prospects for democracy are indeed dim† (Chomsky & Otero 2003, 259). The rapid development of democracy in numerous countries has built expectations for a healthier future; the hopes are that democracy will not just advance human rights and political rights but will also result in better welfare and swift economic growth aside from international relations distinguished by shared understanding and diplomatic cooperation. As argue recently by Samuel Huntington and Robert Dahl, we should not anticipate other

Friday, November 1, 2019

Analyze 4 real cases of directors liability and lessons learned Essay - 1

Analyze 4 real cases of directors liability and lessons learned - Essay Example The initial case is a lawsuit concerning the president for a computer game company. In this case, the director breached his duty of being honesty because the Korean Website company reported the computer game company, 9Korea, together with the company’s director. This complains represented many people who had problems with the company, because it was using their personal residential registration number illegally. The residential claimed that the company’s president was not honest because he was illegally using their identities to open up new accounts for the online game developer. Regarding this case, the court alleged that the company together with its president should be the first party involved in campaigning against illegal use of other people’s names in online game registration. The courts also accused the company for being negligent by using other people real name together with their personal information, which affected more than 800 individuals without thei r permission. Therefore, the court posited that the corporation should reimburse every plaintiff a damage price of KRW 1, 000,000 (Loos 503). Second case is about Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO). A minor shareholder in the company called McMullin. Mr. Beran alleged this case, claiming that the chemical company director favors major shareholders when it comes to discussing the prices for chemical products. Mr. Beran claimed that the director failed to follow the required rules in implementing the prices, thus discriminating the needs of minor shareholders in the company. Regarding this matter, the court dismissed the case citing the fact that the plaintiff had planned to rebut the rule governing judgments, which is in place to cover all directors against liabilities. Mr. Beran filed this case because he believed that the company’s director breached fiduciary duties that required him/her to perform his/her